Justification of the Technology of Cavitation Massage Meat Delicates From Pork

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Aleksandr Lukin
Sergei Ganenko
Dmitry Ganenko


The article discusses the methodology and results of experimental studies to determine the optimal modes of cavitation massaging of pork meat delicacies. It has been established that the use of this technology will significantly improve the technological and consumer properties of the finished product: looseness of meat fibers, improved juiciness and tenderness of meat, greater moisture-binding and water-holding capacity and, as a result, a greater yield of finished products (84% versus 75% provided by the standards). According to the results of the study, the optimal parameters of cavitation massaging were: ultrasound frequency 22 kHz, power 150 W. In the process of processing experimental data, a functional dependence of the cavitation massaging duration on the thickness of a piece of meat and the ultrasound power was obtained, which showed that the duration of the operation with the above parameters will be 4-5 minutes when using one-sided ultrasonic meat massagers or 2–2.5 minutes when using bilateral ultrasonic meat masseurs for a separate piece of pork with a thickness of 50-70 mm (carbonade, neck, loin). It was found that the thickness of the meat and the power of ultrasound have the strongest influence on the duration of the massaging operation.


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How to Cite
Lukin, A., Ganenko, S., & Ganenko, D. (2024). Justification of the Technology of Cavitation Massage Meat Delicates From Pork. Journal of Food Investigation, 70(1), 11–21. https://doi.org/10.52091/EVIK-2024/1-2


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