In vitro evaluation of certain probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria isolates
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Bacteria carrying genes responsible for antibiotic resistance cannot be used in food production. For this reason,
exploring the antibiotic resistance profile of probiotic candidates and the antimicrobial substances they
produce are essential for probiotic strain selection. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate additional
elements of a complex in vitro test system for rapid and efficient selection of a large number of putative
probiotic isolates. In a previous work, we had tested bacterial strains (n=217) isolated from Transylvanian raw
sheep milk, cultured sheep milk, and sheep cheese samples and we reduced the sample number to a total
of six Gram-positive, non-hemolytic, catalase-negative, well-aggregating, good acid and bile acid tolerating
strains. In this research, we investigated the antibiotic resistance and antimicrobial production capacity of the
pre-selected strains (n=6). The antimicrobial activity of the isolates was determined by the agar well diffusion
assay. Strains E15, E66, E173, E198, and E216 were found to inhibit the growth of both Salmonella Enteridis
ATCC 13076 and the control strain (i.e., Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356). Antibiotic resistance tests
were performed by the agar disk diffusion method. All six isolates belonging to the species of Levilactobacillus
brevis and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum were found to be resistant to several antibiotics and, therefore,
cannot be used for the manufacture of commercial probiotic products. In conclusion, our in vitro test system
proved to be capable of effectively screening out unsafe isolates.
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