Quality characteristics of red fruits fresh and after lyophilization

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Emőke Topa
Loránd Alexa
Andrea Varga-Kántor
Béla Kovács
Nikolett Czipa


In our work, the quality characteristics and nutritional parameters of red fruits were examined in their fresh state and after lyophilization. The purpose of the comparison was to assess the effect of freeze drying on these fruits. The elemental and dry matter content of fresh fruits was determined, and the changes in their total phenolic compound and flavonoid content, as well as their vitamin C and acid content. A slight increase in the total phenolic compound and flavonoid content and a smaller decrease in the vitamin C content were observed, while the quantity of total acids was reduced in the sample to almost one-third after lyophilization.


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Topa, E., Alexa, L., Varga-Kántor, A., Kovács, B., & Czipa, N. (2021). Quality characteristics of red fruits fresh and after lyophilization. Journal of Food Investigation, 67(4), 3657–3664. https://doi.org/10.52091/EVIK-2021/4-2-ENG